How to setup a node

So you are ready to start staking FSN and would like to setup your own node on FUSION? Let this article aid you on your journey to become a FUSION validator and FSN miner.


  • VPS (Virtual Private Server) 2 Core 4GB 80-100+GB SSD (larger ssd storage will last longer as the chain grows) Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 LTS

  • 5000+ FSN Staking tickets á 5k FSN, higher number is recommended for compounding purposes as you can only stake 5k/10k/15k.. etc.

VPS Suggestions

The first step of the node setup will be to connect to your VPS, this process will differ between providers but most of them will use some form of SSH which means you will be using tools like Putty for windows or the terminal for Mac to connect to your vps. To avoid making this process to complicated, please refer to each VPS provider’s own guide on how to access the terminal of your VPS.

SSH Guides

Now that you have connected to your VPS via SSH you will see a terminal window that will look something like this.

SSH start screen using Putty for Windows.

To continue with the node setup you will need docker installed on your VPS so we go ahead and do that before running the script. If the terminal is asking about permissions you might have to enter your password again.

sudo apt-get install -y

This is where the fun begins. All you have to do now is to execute the QuickNodeSetup script using the command below and follow the installation instructions.

bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

This will install dependencies and take you to the FUSION Node Manager menu.

This menu will be populated with more options when your node is installed but for now we will focus on “1. Install node and dependencies”, go ahead and select it by hitting “1”.

Now you need to select what type of node you want to run. We do what the menu tells us and select “1. minerandlocalgateway”.

Select “Y” to install a mainnet node.

Unless you already have an empty staking wallet, go to and create a new wallet, make sure to store the .json keystore file in a safe place. Open the file in notepad and copy/paste the contents of the file onto the vps terminal. (Right mouse-click to paste in putty for example)

After that, you are asked to confirm that the address of the keystore you just posted is indeed your empty staking wallet. If yes, hit “Y”.

Enter the password of your staking wallet keystore file.

Next you will be greeted by a number of [Y/n] selections for ticket auto-buy, mining, auto-start and node explorer listing. You want to select “Y” on all of these unless you have a reason not to.

The last step is to name your node, enter something unique you can remember and hit enter and the node will be installed.

Now you are able to search for your node on the node explorer to check its status. The node will be syncing for a few days to catch up to all the other nodes, this gives you ample time to complete the last step which is to transfer “Time-Locked” FSN from your holding wallet to the empty staking wallet.

Next: Add FSN to your staking wallet

When your node is in sync it will require some FSN to buy tickets and this is where FUSION’s Time-Lock comes in handy as it enables you to split your FSN in sections of time and only transfer one of those sections. This essentially means you will be able to send ownership of your FSN for the staking duration to your staking wallet while the full ownership of your FSN always remain in your holding wallet, keeping it safe and secure.

Your holding wallet can be any of the options supported by but a hardware wallet is recommended.

Open up your holding wallet in and hit send next to your FSN.

On the send transaction modal, enter your empty staking wallet address that you created earlier and entered during the node install.

Enter number of FSN to send, anything that isnt an even 5000 will not be staked until you reach an even number so keep that in mind and also leave a little bit for gas.

Select “Timelock” tab and select the number of months you wish to send. Most people recommend 3–6 months, it’s a balance between how much of the ownership you wish to risk and how often you have to replenish the staking wallet. Less than 30 days will not be staked so you always have to keep the length in your staking wallet longer than that.

Hit send! The transaction should confirm in about 15 seconds and shortly after, your node will start buying tickets unless it’s still syncing in which case it will buy tickets when the sync is completed.

That’s about it! Now you just have to monitor the node, make sure it doesnt go offline or go below 30 days worth of Time-Lock. If the node goes offline when one of your tickets is picked then this ticket will be retreated and you wont be allowed to stake using those 5000 FSN for 30 days!

Useful links:

FUSION MININGMore guides, staking pools list, reward statistics etc.

NODE MONITORTrack your node’s current status, blockheight etc.

FSNEX.COMFusion block explorer to track balances, transactions etc.

FUSION Dev. Community TGNode and dev support and discussions.

FUSIONITE.INFO Resource for information on anything Fusion related.

If this guide helped you make it as a FSN miner, feel free to support my efforts in making more and continue building on tools like FSNEX and Fusion Mining. 0xa3ce60d2dbf51afa0ab106df1c44a2e48853817a ❤

Last updated

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